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A variety of culture and society

A. The concept of ethnicity
Concepts covered in the term tribe is a class of people who are bound by the unity of consciousness and cultural identity. Awareness and identity was often strengthened by the unity of language as well. (Koentjaraningrat, 2009; hlm.215) the unity of tribes people in the world based on criteria of livelihood and economic system,
There are six kinds:
1. The Society of hunters and gatherers
2. Community farmers
3. Community cultivators
4. The fishing communities
5. rural farming communities
6. The complex urban society.

B. The concept of regional culture
An area of ​​culture is a classification ataupenggabungan conducted by the expert anthropologist bangsayang diverse ethnic culture, but has some similar elements and cirimencolok. (Koentjaraningrat, 2009: p. 221).

C. The regions culture in North America
Culture area in North America by Clark Wissler are: 1. Eskimo culture area
2. Regional Yukon culture Mackenzie
3. The area northwest Coastal culture
4. The area of ​​culture Plateau
5. Regional Plains culture
6. Local culture eastern forests
7. Local cultures California
8. Region of Western culture power
9. Region Southeast culture
10. Regional Mexican culture

D. areas of culture in Latin America
1. Regional Cacique culture
2. Regional Andean culture
3. The area south of the Andes culture
4. Regional culture Tropik Woods
5. Regional Hunting and gathering cultures.

E. Sub regions geography in oseania
Four sub-region's geography, namely: the cultures of indigenous Australians, pendudukIrian and Melanesian cultures, and cultures of the Polynesian inhabitants (Koentjaraningrat, 2009; hlm.230).

F. areas of culture in Africa
1. The area north African culture
2. Regional Downstream culture Nil
3. Regional Sahara culture
4. Regional cultures Western Sudan
5. Regional culture eastern Sudan
6. Local culture central Upper Nile
7. Regional central African culture
8. Regional southern Upper Nile culture
9. The area of ​​culture Horn of Africa
10. Guinea Coast Regional culture
11. Regional Equatorial Bantu culture
12. Regional Bantu culture lakes
13. The area east Bantu culture
14. Regional Central Bantu culture
15. Regional Bantu culture southwest
16. Regional southeast Bantu culture
17. The area of ​​culture Choisan
18. The area of ​​culture Madagascar

G. areas of culture in asia
1. The area southeast Asian culture
2. The area south Asian culture
3. The area southwest Asian culture
4. Local Chinese culture
5. Regional steppa central Asian culture
6. The area of ​​culture Siberia
7. Northeast Asia Regional culture

H. The nations in Indonesia
Classification of diverse ethnic groups in Indonesia are usually still based system circles customary law in stacking by Van Vollenhoven.

Race, language, and culture

Koentjaraningrat (2009: 248) states that the YOUTH everal people who have certain racial characteristics are the same, not necessarily also have a parent language which includes one language family, let alone have a culture that is classified as a cultural area.

A. Social Unity in Ethnographic
Type important essay containing staple of processing and analysis atropologi is ethnographic essay. Ethnographic essay is a description of the culture of a tribe.
American anthropologists, R. Naroll, once compiled a list of the principles of commonly used by anthropologists to determine the boundaries of the community, part of the subject tribes and the real location of the ethnographic description. There are some modifications by JA Clifton in the textbook Introduction to Cultural Anthropology (1968: 15), then the list becomes separti follows:
1. The unity of the people that are restricted by a village or more;
2. The unity of society composed of people who say one language or one dialect;
3. The unity of the people which is limited by the boundary line of an administrative political region;
4. The unity of the people that the limit is determined by the sense of identity of its own population;
5. The unity of society is determined by a geographical area, the unity of the physical area;
6. The unity of the people who ditentuakan by ecological unity;
7. The unity of the community with residents who have developed the same historical experience;
8. The unity of the community with a population frequency of their interactions with each other uniformly high; and
9. unity sosila society with a uniform composition.

B. Framework Ethnography
Materials about the cultural unity of ethnic groups in a community from an ecological or geographical area in a particular administrative area which is the subject of a book ethnographic description, the bias is divided into chapters on cultural elements according to a sequence which is standard procedure. Governance arrangement sequence that we call it ethnographic framework. Elements of universal culture is divided into five chapters, namely: (1) language; (2) technological systems; (3) economic system; (4) social organization; (5) knowledge systems; (6) kesesnan; and (7) religious system.

Each chapter will consist of special parts that will duraikan to rely more depth in the sub-sections, namely:
Location, Natural Environment, and Demography Origin and History of Ethnic Groups Language Technology Systems The means of production, means of making a fire, weapons, container, food, clothing, tempar berlndung and housing, means of transportation.

Livelihood systems
Traditional livelihood systems, hunting and gathering, farming, growing crops in the fields, fishing, and farming with irrigation settled.

Social organizations
Specific elements of social organization, kinship system.

Knowledge Systems
Attention anthropology towards' knowledge, system knowledge

Religious systems
Attention anthropology of the religion, the specific elements in the system relgi



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