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Ethical political history in Indonesia during the national movement

In early before the implementation of the Ethical political social and economic situation in Indonesia is so bad and far from prosperous, especially for indigenous education are not among the nobility. Education not be good just the opposite. Of economics people's lands are still controlled large Dutch government and traditional rulers mislead people just tenants and workers only. Political field is a growing problem today is strong political centralization so that there is no separation of power and finance between the colonial government and the Indonesian people who do not have an impact on indigenous prosperous.

This situation is getting feedback from the social democrat group masterminded by Von Deventer were later dubbed the father of the prince ethical want any reciprocation for Indonesian nation. Van Deveter in the magazine de GRES
criticism colonial government and suggested that politics do honor (debt wealth) over all the wealth that has been awarded the nation of Indonesia against the Dutch state. For more details on the Ethical Political Influence of the forced labor system in Indonesia can be seen in the discussion of Chapter II.

In 1899 C. Th. Van Deventer, a lawyer who has lived in Indonesia for 1880-1897, published an article titled Een eereschuld (a debt of honor) in the Dutch periodical
magazine de Gids. (Baudet, 1987: 16). He stated that the Dutch state debt to Indonesia to all the wealth that has been squeezed out of the country of Indonesia. This debt should be repaid by way of giving top priority to the interests of the people of Indonesia.

In 1901 Queen Wilhelmina (1890-1948) both announced investigations on the other, the public welfare is in Java, and thus the ethical formally legalized. Dutch king's speech is: "as a Christian country, the Netherlands is obliged in the Dutch East Indies archipelago to better regulate the legal status of indigenous occupation, giving the firm foundation to Christian mission, and permeates the entire follow-behavior with the awareness that the Netherlands government has a moral obligation to fulfill of the population in that area. Due to the prosperity of the people of Java, which slumped require special attention. We increased the holding of research on the causes. "(Nasution, 1983: 15).In 1902 Alexander W.F. Idenburg became Minister of areas Colonial, then Idenburg have more chance than anyone to practice Ethical political thought. The Dutch also mentions three basic principles in regard of the new policy: education, immigration, and irrigation. To implement the project in the need for funds to be able to run the Ethical Policy.

However, all efforts would be in vain without mass education. Education and emancipation of the Indonesian nation gradually-angsaur that core Ethical Policy. Indonesian education should be directed from the immaturity that in force in order to stand on its own feet. They should be given more responsibility in the administration of the native people. Many of the adherents of the Ethical Policy that Indonesia should develop into Western culture. In the first phase of the aristocracy to be exposed to Western cultural influence. Westernization efforts natives became known as association. The goal is to bridge the East and the West, the people of Indonesia to the Netherlands. Which in its domination by colonizing. That arise asimlasi which aims to give the colonies of social and political structure similar to the Netherlands. Until his death in 1915 Deventer is one of the originators of the famous ethical politics, as advisor to the government and MPs.

Contents Ethical Policy in Indonesia Fock found better education will strengthen the indigenous people in the administration, Fock also suggested that in trying irrigation, construction of railroads, the repurchase of private lands; for membangn welfare of the people are suggested to build irrigation. Pemberikan credit for agriculture, and encourage the industry. From the reports it is evident that no longer liberal colonial policy which embraced sepenuhny. But tend to give the opportunity of States to intervene. The Netherlands is expected to contribute to advancing the situation in Indonesia. The most important is the development of material, without in account what became The real purpose of the Indonesian people. (Marwati Djoened Poesponegoro, 1993: 37).

In politics moral obligation which has been supported by all the groups, it was stated that the Netherlands should pay attention to the interests of indigenous and assist Indonesia in times of difficulty. Noble ethical policy implemented with the assistance of f. 40 million guilders. Something administration has for many years by the ethical diperjuangakan all demand repayment of the millions that have been taken by the Netherlands. (Simbolon, Parakitri 2007: 192-193).

Ethical change people's views on colonial policy that Indonesia is no longer considered as wingewest (favorable terrain) into areas that need to be developed so that it can be met needs, and improved indigenous folk culture. Colonial nexus between the Netherlands and Indonesia need to be in sync with developments outside Indonesia are demanding that colonial exploitation meterialistik political left.

ethical the critique of liberal colonial policy which has been fighting for the freedom of work and freedom of private exploitation. They found the freedom to work and profitable business for 20 to 30 years but then prove there is exploitation of the weak by the strong and prosperity both the first cause suffering. Colonial political change also brought forward by economic growth around 1900. The sugar and coffee plantations suffered huge losses because of disease, the plantation industry boomed since 1970 and due to technical improvement can overcome the crisis and disease outbreaks cane so liberal colonial policy to achieve results good with benefits millions guilders. In that state a lot of foreign capital is grown on a large scale. So do not think about the people who in the midst of the progress and development of industrial estates. In the reality the people's welfare is threatened, because the company indigenous decline. Besides, it is also the material and moral interests of the people. Among others in the field of irrigation, education, forced labor and taxation.

Ethical policy issues should begin with the political welfare of the people most, precisely the people's life
deterioration stated by Dr. Kuyper, the system of exploitation must dig anti representation system, then the political system is also often called peternalistis politics, which is a matter of one party (the Netherlands) for the purposes of Folk-indigenous people, so the designation applies chezvous political slogan, pour vous, sans vous.

Capitalism colonialists in the early 20th century have evolved very rapidly; Indonesian gold flow from the larger, sugar production increased once, be doubled between 1904-1913. Do not miss the results of his other fields as well as sugar, pepper, rice, tobacco, rubber, cotton, tin. In areas outside Java with a wealth of natural resources production rose from f. 74 million to f. 305 million guilders, mainly because industry and tobacco plantations and production of petroleum.

All of this happens in an economic environment that is changing rapidly, the actions of conquest undertaken in areas outside Java has expanded the area of ​​Dutch rule, and these areas become a more important focus than in Java during the development of the new economy. In the hands of private companies in the production of commodities tropical  is increasing rapidly. From 1900 to 1930 the production increased almost fourfold and tea production increased eleven-fold. Tobacco production expanded rapidly in the 1860's, especially on the coast of Sumatra. Not only was the production of pepper, copra, tin, coffee and other commodities increased and developed mostly outside Java. There are three contents of the Ethical Policy:1. Irrigation (Watering) and Infrastructure:is a program of development and improvement of infrastructure for social and welfare especially in agriculture and
farm, as well as the improvement of infrastructures. Here the indigenous communities in the given knowledge in the field of irrigation technology more modern, to get a better agricultural results, without such a long wait before the rainy season only rely on agriculture alone for result good, but with the Irrigation taught by the Netherlands, the public native can grow crops in the dry season as well.2. Educate (Education):Is a program of improving the quality of human resources and a reduction in the number of illiterates who impact good for the Dutch government, namely the establishment of schools. Because students who qualified employees can be made by the Dutch government. It was one of the Dutch goal switch potential ethical policy for indigenous people.3. Emigration (transmigration): Is a program of educational equity Java and Madura with the establishment of settlements in the North and South Sumatra which opened new plantations that require a lot of managers and employees, however the policy first and second misused for the Dutch government with build irrigation for plantations Netherlands and emigration performed by moving the population to Dutch plantation area to be used as forced labor workers, only education that brings positive impact to Indonesia. the Dutch goal is to open new agricultural land, by moving the population of densely population areas to sparsely populated areas, to open up new agricultural land.

Dutch language included as a subject in some schools Class and number of courses in the open with the intention of it, but the Dutch will not go into people's language. The Dutch themselves seem reluctant to give Dutch language and culture, in part simply to undermine Indonesian customs, but the Dutch are very afraid of the Indonesian people to master culture, knowledge, techniques, and organizations. With the Netherlands to establish educational institutions to address the proliferation of pesanteren (
Indonesian Islamic traditional schools) education.However, in practice deviations committed by the Dutch official. The following irregularities such deviations: 

1. IrrigationWatering is only addressed to the fertile lands to private estates Netherlands. While not belong to the people of irrigation water flowing.

2. Education, Dutch government to build schools. Education is intended to obtain administrative personnel capable and inexpensive. Education is opened to all the people, is reserved to the children of civil servants and those who are able. Discrimination in education is teaching first grade school for the children of civil servants and people who are affluent, and in the second grade school to indigenous children and in general. Colonial education policy closely with their political relations in general, something that politics is dominated by the ruling factions and are not driven by the values ​​of ethnicity with a view to fostering political maturity and independence of the colonies. Associated with the attitude that we can we see a number of characteristics
politics and practical education, namely:1) Gradualism is remarkable in providing education for the children of Indonesia.2) Dualism in education by emphasizing the sharp differences between the Dutch education and indigenous education.3) a strong central Control4) Limitations objectives native schools, and the role of schools to produce clerks as an important factor in the development of education5) The principle of concordance which led to the same school in Indonesia with in the Netherlands.6) absence of systematic educational planning for indigenous children's education.

The establishment of schools by the Dutch colonial administration, aiming to divide the indigenous Islam, since childhood. From
school buildings and curriculum among Indonesian children and nobility as well as other priorities in different favorites. Daughter and son of Muslim nobility and the son of the daughter of Islam, but get priority schools in the European schools. With blended in European schools, children's nobility and sultans be far from effect coaching scholars. (Mansur, Ahmad, Suryanegara. 2009: 229).

3. Migration, Migration to areas outside of Java is intended only to areas that are developed plantations belonging to the Netherlands. This is because of the huge demand for labor in the plantation areas such as plantations in North Sumatra, especially in Deli, Suriname, and others. They are used as contract laborers. Migration to Lampung has the objective settled. Because migration is intended to meet the demand for labor, it is not uncommon to many fled. To prevent workers from running away, the Dutch government issued a Poenale Sanctie, the regulations stipulate that workers who escape will be searched and arrested by police, then returned to the foreman / supervisor.

For the benefit of ethnic domination, the city area is divided into various sub residential area, it can be seen in Jakarta, among others, the Malay village, the village of Bali, village of Java, and others. Especially for ethnic Ambon get a separate residential area with other ethnicities. This separation caused by Ambonese many who become Dutch to spread Christianity, as well as the ethnic Batak and Manado. (Mansoor Ahmad, Suryanegara. 2009: 228).

Impact of Ethical PolicyThe impact that caused by the Ethical course there are negative and positive, but we need to know is that almost all of the programs and the initial goal of Ethical many are not implemented and challenged. But one program that positively impact the long-term nature for Indonesia is education that will bring an educated and well-educated group that later would make the Dutch government is threatened by the emergence of Budi Utomo, Sarikat Islam and the establishment of the Volksraad. The effects are evident in three areas: 1. Politics: Decentralization of power or autonomy for the people of Indonesia, but still there is a problem that the ruling class remains strong in terms of intervention, because Dutch companies less competitive with Japanese and American makes centralization trying reapplied. (Kartodirjo, Sartono 1990: 56) 2. Social: Lahirya educated class, an increasing number of literacy, the development of the education sector is its positive impact but the negative impact is the gap between the nobility and the bottom has become increasingly apparent since the nobility upper class can berseolah well and directly employed in the Dutch companies. 3. Economy: the birth of modern capitalism system, politkk liberal and free market competition and makes the capital a key indicator in the trade. So that the weak will be defeated and eliminated. In addition, the emergence and development of private enterprises and foreign in Indonesia such as Shell.

The birth of the Ethical Policy in because the Netherlands wants to return the favor to the people of Indonesia, which has provided the natural wealth and power of indigenous peoples to the Netherlands. Ethical Policy initiated by Van Deventer are concerned about the fate of the people of Indonesia who has a lot of natural resources taken by the Netherlands. Fill Ethical there are three, namely, education, irrigation, population movements, which is based on creating human resources better in Indonesia.

Ethical Policy was not solely for the Indonesian people, but also for the Netherlands. Because of the creation of a class of educated ethical policy which can be in use by the Dutch to be made in employees, and agricultural products will be undertaken by indigenous people taken by the Netherlands. So the only refiner ethical policy of forced cultivation word.

Bautet. I.J Brugmans. 1987. Politik Etis dan Revolusi kemerdekaan. Obor : Jakarta.

Djoened, Marwati, Poesponegoro dan Notosusanto, Nugroho. 1993. Sejarah Indonesia Jilid V. Balai Pustaka : Jakarta.

Nasution. 1983. Sejarah Pendidikan Indonesia. Bumi Aksara : Bandung.

Manssur, Ahmad, Suryanegara. 2009. Api Sejarah. Salamdani : Bandung'

Kartodirjo, Sartono. 1990. Pengantar Sejrah Indonesia Baru jilid 2. Gramedia Pustaka : Jakarta.

Riclefs. 2007. Sejarah Indonesia Modern. Universitas Gajah Mada Press : Yogyakarta.

Parakitri, T. Simbolon. 2007. Menjadi Indonesia. Kompas : Jakarta.


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