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FAMILY understanding and RELIGION

1. Is it family?
The family is sexual expression or the relationship between children and parents as a benchmark, in which 1) people living with and commitment in an intimate relationship 2) members identintas regard them as an important part that binds the group 3) the group has the characteristics of its own.

The family is a group of people who are connected by consanguinity, marriage or adopted child taking the form of household, interact and communicate in social rules, and create and develop a culture.

2. Why is universal family?
The family is universal because of the bond of marriage between spouses and children who are not yet independent, referred to as the nuclear family (nuclear family or extended family). Besides being formed by marriage, the family also formed because of blood ties, such families are called blood relatives (consanguine family).

3. What is the function of the family?
- The main function of a family that is increasing the number of family members and the community through marriage.
- Function prokerasi that meneruskembangkan gnerasi through the birth of children.
- The function of the family as an agent of socialization, the family as a vehicle to educate and civilize family members (especially children).

4. Is it a religion?
Religion can be seen as a belief and behavior patterns, which are cultivated by humans to deal with important issues that can not be solved by using technologies and techniques are known organizations. To overcome the limitations that people turn to manipulasii creatures and supernatural powers.

5. What is the purpose of religion?
Religion can reduce anxiety by explaining what is unknown and make it understandable, and also give peace because it believes that there is a supernatural assistance that can be expected at the time of facing the catastrophe. Religion is a sanction for human behavior are very diverse with instilling the notion of good and evil, to determine precedents for behavior that is approved, and the obligation to take a decision to move from the individual to supernatural forces. Through the ceremony, religion can be used to stabilize a lesson on oral tradition. And finally, religion play an important role in maintaining social order.

6. What are the characteristics to identify religion?
Religion consists of an assortment of ritual prayers, songs, dances, food-serving, and sacrifice which sought to manipulate human beings and supernatural powers for his own benefit. Creatures and supernatural powers can consist of gods and goddesses, ancestors and other spirits, impersonal force, either stand-alone or in various combinations. In all societies there are certain people who have the specialized knowledge to deal with creatures and force it, and that helps others in the community when they held a ritual (religious). Some myths give ratio or "information" about the system in a manner consistent with the experience of people in the world in which they live.


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