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REVIEW book Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism (Benedict Anderson)

Book Title: Imagined Communities
Original Title: Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism
Author: Benedict Anderson
Publisher: Insist Press and Library Student, Yogyakarta
Year of Publication: Mold II, October 2002
Thick Pages: 336 pp., Plus i-liv (54 p. Preface, etc.).

Nationalism, familiar words our ears. Almost every time we encounter the word, both in the print and electronic media. Nationalism as we know turns out to have considerable significance absurd and confusing. In his book "Imagined Communities; Reflection on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism ", Benedict Anderson or familiarly called Ben Anderson tried to deconstruct the meaning of nationalism readers. Nationalism that has been hailed as a unifying sometimes even used as a means of coercion certain parties to unite.

Daniel Dhakidae, explained that people very easily reconcile the nation and the state said when the relationship between the nation and the state pose a tremendous imbroglio. Holy trinity contained in the oath of youth in 1928 namely one language, nation and homeland, now disturbed. Correlation of the oath one language, nation, and homeland instead sparked anxiety about what is meant nations, nationalities, and a sense of nationhood itself. One language does not make Indonesia into one nation, and one nation does not require that we speak one language. Similarly, oath of the ground water is also not by itself make Indonesia into one nation. "Aceh is bloodiest example, Papua pentasan most disturb the conscience and humanity, and ultimately, of course, East Timor is an example of the most painful and agonizing of all.

The book by Benedict Anderson's, defines the nation as something imagined, imagined, with an extra tight is not imaginary. In academic circles Indonesia, the book received with ambivalence. On the one hand this book is riveting; on the other hand is considered to spread confusion.

Mochtar Pabottinggi formulate a political nation as a collectivity where this is the beginning of a dangerous fault in the political and administrative consequences. Hitler precisely formulate German nationalism based on the similarity of blood and soil.

Book Imagined communities which in the understanding of nations as imagined communities have the main support of print capitalism, capitalism which is stimulated by the printing industry. Understand the people who embraced the book different communities to understand that during this developing nation. This book does not say that the nation is a political community but imagined political community.

Spectacular book by Professor Anderson is composed of 11 chapters, starting at the beginning of the chapter containing an introduction which tells about the battle that occurred between Vietnam, Cambodia, and China. The bloodshed that occurred in the region of Indochina is solely to get the area and social space.

Eric Hobsbawm declared "movements and Marxist countries have tended to become national not only in form but also in the form of the substance, which is to be nationalists. Almost every year the union of Nations accept new members. And many parents who once thought the nation was established in consolidated itself now challenged by subnasionalisme-subnasionalisme which will someday fly the flag kemerdekaannnya.

An explanation of the meaning of nationalism still be a dispute. Nationalism or nation, Nationalities or nationality, nationalism or national understanding, from all of which proved to be very difficult to formulate. This book basically offers suggestions while the anomaly of nationalism.

Anderson thought that the style of an anthropologist to interpret the nation or nations; he is a political community and is envisioned as a limited nature inherently once sovereign. The nation is an imagined because the members sekalipuntidak smallest nation will know and will never know most of the other members, will not meet face to face probably never even heard of them anyway. Yet despite all the minds of every person who is a member of the nation was living a shadow of their togetherness. Finally nation envisioned as a community do not care because there will be injustice and exploitation that may be indelible in every nation, the nation itself is always conceived as a solidarity that goes deep and wide-flat.

In the second chapter explains the cultural roots as a maker of nationalism in the contemporary era. Religuisitas very principle held by the followers of nationalism. before the formation of the ideology of nationalism in the late eighteenth century, religious communities and dynastic realm is the embryo of the formation of nationalism. Sacral languages ​​are used each religion in the end deliver a sense of brotherhood although never meet face to face and get to know beforehand.

When thinking about imagined communities, nations as something that itself grows and develops from and replaces the place, religious communities and dynastic domains earlier. Behind the collapse of religious communities, reflux languages ​​sacral lasted a fundamental change in the mode of understanding the world that above all allow people initiated the nation. In chapter three discusses the origins of national consciousness. The emergence of national consciousness caused by the grounding of the revolutionary language. As mentioned earlier, a massive growth of nationalism ideology in various parts of the world are caused print capitalism. The birth of native languages ​​predate the rise of print capitalism administrative and religious in the sixteenth century, and therefore must be regarded as an independent factor affecting erosion sacred imagined community.

The Pioneers creole, this chapter describes 4 new countries in the Americas which these countries called creole country. Countries creole formed and led by people who have a common language and ancestry with their enemies opponent. From this case can be concluded that the similarities in language and ancestors did not make any sense of nationalism.

In the next chapter, namely chapter 5 and 6 are still discussing about the role of language as a dominant factor to be able to drive the sense of nationalism.

Post World War II, the current state of the nationalists continued to increase. The term colonial states eventually transformed into a national state and that is the basis of the formation of a nationalist. here nationalism based on the similarity of the fate of the colony as a country.

Until the last chapter of this book, it is causing Anderson defines nationalism as imagined community revealed one by one by using examples taken from various countries of Europe, America and Asia.

Anderson in his attempt to slightly criticize form imagined community that uses the spirit of nationalism. He did not directly mention that nationalism as a form of 'chaos' and berpemahaman nationality, but try to criticize this mass movement as a movement that sometimes just plucks the ideologies that were scattered into one or compiled, but no clear tendency toward him. But definitely, nationalism resonated in almost all corners of the world, requires further explanation. Because nationalism is built is often believed to be a fundamental spirit of a nation, but not consciously understood, yet thorough and imagined.

Book called imagined communities is the most popular work of an anthropologist cornell university graduates whose full name Benedict Richard O 'Gorman Anderson. Ben Anderson in this book tries to interpret nationalism and explain the factors causing the rise of nationalism. in general the book is worth reading the academics who thirst nasioanlisme concepts that have no character explores in detail about the concept. Due to translation book, very, very difficult to understand the intent of the author in detail. Scientific terms are strewn from beginning to end without a glossary make the reader should open a dictionary or other media to be able to understand its meaning.


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